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Call 703-754-3876. You can also email us at We accept major credit cards and PayPal. If you want to pay by PayPal, please send your PayPal email address, along with your physical shipping address to calculate shipping cost, and we’ll send you an invoice; if by credit card, you can call with your credit card information.

Our normal phone hours are:
10am-7pm EDT  Monday-Friday 
10am-5pm EDT  Saturday      
Closed  Sunday

For anyone interested in the new ICOM IC-905, I gave presentations at Central States and at the N.E.W.S. conference on my one year opinion of the rig. You can view it in our “TECH Notes” section.


We thank all our valued customers for your patience. We have moved our shop to our new location (although not fully organized) and completed the build of our new house. Margie is doing well in recovery from her surgery, and we are diligently working to catch up on all orders. 

After hearing about the demise of 3456 MHz here in the US, I contacted Dave Olean, K1WHS, who is the previous owner of Directive Systems and had originally worked on the 9cm loopers. He confirmed what we saw, there is a VERY slight degradation in gain moving them down in frequency. Here are the results:

DSE945LY – .5 dB

DSE976LY – .4 

DSE9112LY – .2 dB

As my friend Gene, W3ZZ, used to say “the DX will never know the difference!” The percentage of frequency change is so slight that the return loss still should be in the -20dB range which is 1.2:1 or less.

Going forward we will make changes to the loop lengths on any new 9cm loop yagis. We anticipate opening sales again on 9cm loop yagis sometime in late March or early April.

Terry – W8ZN


“It is so nice to have a company that offers such fine antennas for the ham community. Rest assured I will recommend your company to all my friends.” see more from W0PT

See our Testimonials tab for more interesting articles and reviews.

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If you have an older version of a Directive Systems antenna that needs repair or updating, please see our Tech Notes section.

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Does your Power Divider Look Like This?

Some manufacturers charge twice as much, but only guarantee 20dB of Return Loss. Directive Systems guarantees at least 30dB (1.065:1 VSWR) of Return Loss in the most popular portions of the amateur bands.


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Rover/Portable Quick Release Boom-to-Mast Plate!

 IMG_5791  IMG_5792

Will accept up to a 1 1/2″  boom and up to a 2″ mast.

Quick Release Boom-to-Mast Plate (without hardware)          $35.00 each

Quick Release Boom-to-Mast Plate (with ss U-bolts and nuts)      $50.00 each

Our “Quick Release” system was not designed for loop yagis.

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All our antennas are contest proven and designed by the same people that use them — they are all used at the K8GP Contest Group site in Northern Virginia!

We have a vested interest in making sure our antennas provide the maximum in performance and longevity.

As you’ll see on the price lists, antennas are sold in both Assembled and Kit form.

If you don’t see what you’re looking for, call . . . it may be in the design phase.

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